How to Integrate Bootstrap with React Technology?

As now the world is running on digital media, websites are developed every now and then. Different technologies have emerged for developing quality websites. Starting from JavaScript to CSS framework and others, the development of various sites has become a happening trend. Many people have taken this as their career and became a web developer with proper knowledge and learning.

One of those advanced technologies is React as the JavaScript framework. This is associated with Java and helps to build websites. Here, this is an informative piece for the web developers where they will get to know how integrative Bootstrap with React technology is useful for developing a more high-quality website.

Before starting with the main topic, it is essential to know what a bootstrap is. It is the popular framework for HTML, CSS, and Java to develop proper websites. React is such a technology that can be integrated with Bootstrap for pacing the development of web development. Have a look and know how you can do it.


1. Add bootstrap to React applications

The first thing that you need to know is, this is not a guide that explains how to use bootstrap or React. As you are a web developer, you should have prior knowledge for using them both. This is a guide that says how you can include React applications with Bootstrap and make the process of web developing easy and fast with unique features.

The first step is to add Bootstrap in React applications. There are mainly three ways in which a developer can do the same.

  • Bootstrap CDN

This process is a straightforward one, and every novice web developer can also handle the same. This one requires no installation or download of the application. You need to put a <link> to the <head> of your request, and your work is done.

If you want to enable other components of Java in the bootstrap, then you have to go through another process. This is also a simple one. Just place <script> tags at the end of the specific pages and before closing it tag it as <body> to enable them.  In the React app, for you need to check the Index page to understand whether the code snippets are added or not.  Once you are done with the process, you can definitely use your Bootstrap with React application.

  • Dependency Bootstrap

If you have a Webpack as the build tool or module bundler, then you can prefer this for adding bootstrap in React application. In this case, you have to download Bootstrap dependency version. Once the file is downloaded and then installed, include JavaScript file and start using Bootstrap in React application.

  • React Bootstrap Package

This is the easiest of using React in Bootstrap and also developing excellent websites. But, this is a bit costly and also requires certain features. But, this one has a lot of facilities that can be used for developing high-quality websites.  This one comes with two packages like:

  • React-bootstrap
  • Reactstrap

Now, let us move toward the other ways of integrating both Bootstrap and React with each other.


2. Bootstrap Stylesheet with React

When you install React app, you can get different options for creating a stylesheet. Once you align both the applications, the features will also get updated. So, for creating new Stylesheet, you have to follow the step by step guide.

Here is the process:-

├── package.json

├── public

│   ├── favicon.ico

│   ├── index.html

│   └── manifest.json


├── src

│   ├── App.css

│   ├── App.js

│   ├── App.test.js

│   ├── index.css

│   ├── index.js

│   ├── logo.svg

│   └── registerServiceWorker.js


└── yarn.lock

  • Vanilla Bootstrap with React application

Inside the JSX code, you can get different options for using the Style sheet and also regular bootstrap classes. This features have different components through which you can make the web page much more interesting instead of making it a piece of HTML product.  You can use combination of Grid Row and Column to make the pages organized.

<!– Bootstrap with HTML classes –> <div class=”container”>  <div class=”row”>    <div class=”col-sm”>      One of three columns    </div>    <div class=”col-sm”>      One of three columns    </div>    <div class=”col-sm”>      One of three columns    </div>  </div></div> <!– Bootstrap with React Components –> <Grid>  <Row>      <Col sm>        One of three columns    </Col>    <Col sm>        One of three columns    </Col>     <Col sm>        One of three columns    </Col>  </Row></Grid> ·

Reactstrap libraries and its settings:-  Reactstrap libraries need CSS to work and you have to add it externally. Once you do that, you will be able to use all the features, so do that and add as much as color, text, templates in the web pages.  ·     Bootstrap Grid Basics  This is a unique feature of bootstrap that can be used for making different columns and other customized pages. The components help to build different types of web pages with HTML and CSS support.

These are different ways in which you can integrate bootstrap with React and make excellent websites. Try out and see how exciting it would be to develop web pages.

Author Bio: – Hello, I’m Ava Lee, a freelance essay writer, and a creative blogger by profession. He has been into the writing industry & helping students write their assignments, secure top grades through his association. It’s my hobby to write and educate people on the latest news and industry buzz. You can follow me on social media and stay connected to read more of such blogs covering a plethora of category.